8 - The Dawn of a New Tomorrow

Wow, Windows 10 with the wallpaper of OS X El Capitan looks absolutely breathtaking.

Starting Monday onwards, I will start to incorporate the things I have learned from the mistakes that I have been repeating. I will start focusing on my studies instead of other superficial matters (e.g. love, romance, getting a girlfriend, etc.) and I will start to focus on joining the clubs that I have signed up for—APC Speaks and the APC Microsoft Community, to be exact. Hopefully I will belong in those clubs and I will get along with most of the members there.

As I have mentioned before, I will be using my inspiration as the main driving force behind all of the college-related activities I am currently doing. I will be honest here: I did not have an inspiration back in high school. Yes, you read that correctly, I did not have a reason worth fighting for, nor did I have a bunch of people counting on me back then (or so I thought). College is different, and it totally is, my entire life literally hangs in the balance of how well I am doing in APC.

If I get low grades and if I am forced to repeat a lot of subjects this term . . . well, let us just say that my life will not get any easier (mentally, physically, and financially). You see, college is the only lifeline I have left, and it is the only thing separating me from a life of poverty, which is to say that I am on the verge of.

I do not want to end up like my uncle (a 40-year-old man who is still living with his parents and he does not have a wife, a car, a child, not even his own Internet connection). Look, I do not want to end up like him, and I am trying my best to not end up like him. Oh, and did I also mention that he is an alcoholic who likes to spend most of his salary on gambling and other toxic substances? Yeah, that is true, and I have to live with that guy.

As I am typing this, I am trying my best to steer myself back onto the right path—the path that I have been looking for my whole life. I believe that I found the key to success, one that leads to a life of hard work, pain, suffering, sacrifice, but—most of all—lifetime relief and (possibly) luxury.

I am slowly growing older and maturing as the days pass by. My ideals, standards, thoughts, and my goals in life are slowly (but surely) changing; nevertheless, my dream in life remains the same: waking up in a peaceful and modern-looking house with 2 kids and a wife.

It sounds corny and extremely cliché, am I right? As much as I would like to, I cannot change it. It is the backbone of whatever I want to be when I grow up. Whether or not I will grow up to be a banker, a famous sports player, a programmer, a systems analyst, an employee with a high position in one of the top Fortune 500 companies, I will still have that same dream, and neither you nor I can do anything about it.

Adding curtains behind the windows is not a bad idea.

Call me whatever you want, but I actually plan on having a bathroom like that, or—at the very least—having a bathroom as good-looking as that one. I am not actually planning to have an extremely luxurious lifestyle like that, just one that is average. Again, I am not aiming for a life filled with luxury, and you want to know why? Because I can be easily spoiled. If I live in a life of too much comfort and luxury, that will motivate me less and it will lead me astray very easily. "Ooh, I finally have accomplished my dream, time to act like a pig and slack off, and stop going to work," I do not want that to happen. A mediocre or just an average-looking house would do just fine.

Right now, I am trying steer myself back to the direction I want to take—one that will (hopefully) help me accomplish my lifelong dream. I have been led astray one too many times and I do not want to be led astray again. My whole high school life is a story of how I got led astray by some other force (mostly by love or laziness) and finding a path which leads me to my dream, only for me to get led astray again. To simplify: Dart finds the path to good grades and then gets distracted, then he decides to goof off until a lot of time has passed.

As I have mentioned before, I am an extremely lazy person who likes to goof off in life—I do not want to be that person anymore. Laziness is a trait of mine that I hate the most. I am trying my best (but it is currently not good enough) to combat laziness.

In a related (however seemingly-unrelated story), the reason why my Twitter bio and my Google+ tagline is Looking for an answer that fades as the dawn breaks is because of two reasons: I like Girls' Generation a lot and I saw the cover for their latest album; also, the line looked very artistic and it seemed to have a deep meaning.

Looking for an answer that fades as the dawn breaks means: an answer to life's problems that can only be found in the darkest times of your life, that fades when you have learned your lesson as you start a new beginning.

With that being said, I am going to use that line as my main tagline for my college life. Starting Monday, I will use a new personality—a personality that I have spent a lot of time working on. A personality built from the ground up. Yes, gone are the days where I would slack off and sleep in bed the whole day. This new personality does not have the shortcomings I had in my high school life. Hopefully, this new personality will help guide be towards accomplishing that dream I have only been able to see in my sleep.

This Monday—the 22nd of June, 2015—will be the dawn of a new tomorrow.

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