2 - 10 Reasons Why College Is Better Than High School

Oh boy, this is going to be a hard one, but here goes nothing. Just a reminder: I did not use the topic generator that Sir Dustin wanted us to use. I want to make my own topics and, being a former editor and a writer, I am sure I can make my own. So, without any further ado, here are 10 reasons why college is better than high school.

1. More freedom
I have more freedom in college that I ever had in high school. I am not required to cut my hair every month or wear a uniform everyday. Heck, I am even allowed to go anywhere during my 2-hour break, and I love it.

2. The dress code
There are no uniforms in my college, but there is a dress code. I got sick of wearing the same batch of uniforms day after day after day after day in high school. The same white polo shirt almost every week (of course, we do not wear uniforms on special occasions) from Monday to Friday every year for the past 5-6 years. In APC, we have to wear business attire from Monday to Thursday and we wear casual clothing on Friday and Saturday. I do not have a lot of long-sleeved polo shirts, but hey, it is better than wearing the same uniform over and over.

3. The facilities
In college, the facilities are more complete. I am actually surprised that most of the computers in APC have an Internet connection. In my old school, the computers have no Internet connection, it does not even offer free Wi-Fi for the students to use. However, there is a website filter in APC for certain types of webpages that the students are not allowed to visit.

4. The competitions
There is a plethora of competitions in APC (from what I have heard). There are a lot of competitions, events, and so much more! It makes me want to join them all. Because of this, it really brings out your competitive side.

5. The clubs and/or "organizations"
My old school had clubs, a book lover's club, an I.C.T.E. club, an a club for the school newspaper, and so on; however, they were not very active. I was the president of the I.C.T.E. club and I was an editor and the only layout artist at the club for the newspaper. The only active club I know in my old school (from what I remember) was the club for the newspaper. I am not sure why, but the other clubs were not as active, including the I.C.T.E. club.

From what I have heard and seen, the clubs (or "organizations" as they are called) are more active and they have a lot of activities for a reason: to prepare us for adulthood. I have to say, I am looking forward to joining the organizations that have my interest, like APC Speaks and the APC Microsoft Community.

6. The break
Ah yes, how could I ever forget about the marvelous break? Depending on your schedule, you could have a 2-hour break, or a 2-and-a-half-hour break, and possibly even a break spanning more than 4 hours. I had a break that lasted more than 4 hours this week and it was because Sir Dustin did not show up (or the room was being refurbished, or classes did not officially start yet) and I literally had so much time on my hands, I did not know what to do about it. I slept in the library, I slept in the cafeteria, I walked up and down the stairs checking out the other rooms, I went outside to Starbucks, and so much more.

Like I said earlier, you can go anywhere you want during the break, just make sure you did not get into a fight and you did not do something illegal. Also, make sure you are back before classes start, otherwise you will be marked as absent in that class. Oddly enough, one of my classmates (or blockmates, whichever floats your boat) went home because he/she thought that there won't be any more classes.

7. The students
The students, as you would expect, are mature individuals. They are young adults, so to speak. In high school, there were a lot of people who were so immature. (Of course they are immature, the age range in my old school is from 11-17.) I remember seeing crowds of students making a lot noise in the hallway because someone told their friend they loved him/her. To tell you the truth, I actually get a little frustrated because of 2 reasons: 1. They're so flirty (or in Filipino, malandi) despite being younger and more immature 2. Sometimes they disrupt the classes of the lower year levels. Some of the students would even make a big deal out of two people of the opposite sex casually talking in the hallway. If you are a guy and your friend is a girl, expect to hear a rumor about you and your friend being together. It is not just a theory, it is a fact. It is a cold hard fact that has been proven multiple times. But hey, what can you expect? It is high school and most of the students there are in the ages of 11-15. At that stage, their hormones must be flaring up and they get emotional too easily.
In APC, I noticed that a lot of the people there were nice, kind, and very friendly. Most of the people there were easy to get along with. Plus, they won't spread some kind of nasty rumor about you and your friend of the opposite sex. The students are definitely more mature in college than in high school.

8. The benefits
Whoa, an Office 365 account and 1 terabyte of OneDrive storage for free? What? Are you kidding me? I did not expect this, but I am extremely happy that I got all of these things. As I have mentioned before, APC also has free Wi-Fi on certain floors (the 1st and 7th) and most of the computers have Internet access. Also, we have an e-Plus card, which is a card that stores money. Instead of using coins or pennies to pay for some of the services like printing documents and using the APC shuttle, you can use the e-Plus card to pay for it.

9. The commute
You might wonder why I put this here. Well, I put this here because of the freedom of being able to commute to and from APC. The commute from home to APC is both scary and exciting. Sometimes, I do not even follow the same route going home. It is scary because it is hard to find a jeepney that is not full of passengers. But then again, I can tag along with my blockmates, which makes the trip more fun and enjoyable.

I also tag along with them so I can find new routes and new ways of getting home. Because of them, I finally have my own permanent route to take when going home. I am thankful to them for making the commute from APC to home much more easier.

10. The new experience
It was pretty obvious that this would be a reason why college is better than high school. To be honest, you do not even need 10 reasons (nor 100 reasons, for that matter), but you only need ONE reason in order to know that college is definitely better than high school.

The new types of activities, the commute from home to APC and back, the new organizations and clubs, the plethora of events, the new schedules and the new subjects that will be more relevant in your life after college, and a lot more. Heck, I did not even know that we would have a class where we would make our own blog.

Although I made a blog while I was in high school, it is still nice to see that college is filling up the gaps and teaching me things that high school never did. I wish I was more prepared for it, but hey, unexpected things are better.

With those being said, I conclude this blog post. College is definitely better than high school because of a lot of things, from new classmates, new activities, and even to a new experience. I hope you all learned a thing or two about me or about APC because of this blog post.

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