12 - Character

“Abilities can lead us to success, but character is what will keep us successful.”
—My professor

For those of you wondering why I started off this post with a quote, I actually have something to tell you about my character, my real character. Not my fake character, my real character.
(Note: I do not think my professor remembers that she/he made that quote, how sad. Still, it is a great quote and I will continue to live by it.)

Before I divulge information about my so-called "real character," I must let you all know that everything in this world has a bad side (with a few exceptions, of course). All of us have a good and bad side. The main point of it all is how much of each side we have. If we let our bad side take us over, we still start acting uncivilized, irrational, hardheaded, and possibly, into hateful human beings. I have friends who are known for their bad (yet sometimes witty) attitude, but I can still see that they have a good spirit in them.

I have a few friends who are generally mean to most people but, if you really take the time to know them, you will know that they are nice and kind individuals within. I have a friend (who is considered by many to be a bully) who likes to make fun of other people every now and then (possibly out of boredom or so) and still, if you try to talk to him alone, and it is just the two of you talking, he will say that he only is just kidding around, and he might even share a sad story (or two) about himself. You might not know, maybe the person who is bullying you is actually a really nice person underneath.

My case is a little different, but it is similar, in a way. First of all, I have this "Seohyun" side. A side of me that is very shy, is very quiet, and one that loves to read books alone in the corner or in the library. One that is very Seohyun-like. Unsurprisingly, this is the most ladylike of all of my sides as this side tries to capture and "emulate" the personality of Seohyun. (Note: This is also my most polite side. This side of me is also my most gentle, my most elegant, and my most proper side. Having a ladylike side is not that bad.) This side of me does not like to socialize with other people a lot and is the most isolated of all my sides.

Second, I have this "kewl kid" (yes, I misspelled "cool" with "kewl") side that tries so hard to fit in with others, so much to the point that he will make something up and embarrass himself just to fit in with others. It is a very hard side to explain, but you will easily notice it. This side of me is somewhat dangerous, as that side tries to emulate whatever popular thing is around him. So if making fun of others using their last name is what others are doing, he will probably do the same thing as well. Keep in mind that this is the friendliest side of my character as he is very open and he does not like to keep secrets (unlike that Seohyun side, which likes to keep secrets). I like to think of this side of me as Tom from Eddsworld. Unlike my Seohyun side, this is the most social side out of all my sides. This side of me likes to fool and kid around with his buddies and tries to fit in with the rest of the crowd.

Last but not least, my "other" side. I like to refer to it as Larry. To tell you the truth, "Larry" is sort of my "demonic" side. A side of me that likes to shout inappropriate things at random times, one side of me who likes to curse a lot. Basically, this is the side of me that likes to shout a lot, and curse a lot, too. I am sure that my other blockmates have seen this side of me. Whenever I slap a desk or table, and then I precede to shouting something loud afterwards, that is all Larry's fault.

With those three main sides of me, it is hard to choose which of the three should I use. At times, I try to act all Seohyun-like, only for me to do an activity and then turn into a screaming moron who likes to curse a lot. That has happened several times in high school and I have noticed that has crossed over to my block, SS151.

For me, it is actually very hard to maintain one side for an extended period of time. Over the course of, oh say, four hours, I can go from a quiet and well-mannered individual to a guy who likes to kid around with his buddies and then turn into a screaming and cursing buffoon. You might think that most of the stuff I am writing here is all fake, but trust me, it is very true.

Although, if I were to pick, I would choose the Seohyun side of me. Sure, it would look inappropriate if I was acting like Seohyun (because she is a lady); however, I am currently trying to slowly mold it and shape it in order to incorporate it into my main character. Over the course of the next few weeks or so, I will watch a lot of videos about Seohyun, who she is, how she acts, and so on. My goal here is to make a personality based off of her personality and try to personalize it.

After all, Seohyun is a girl who likes to study a lot, read a lot of books, spend time playing the guitar or the piano. Plus, she cares for her health more than anything else and she strictly forbids herself to eat junk food. Seohyun would be a perfect role model, to be honest. She is wise, kind, caring, good-willed, well-educated, well-mannered, and she is really a good role model because of her character. If you want to research more about this junk food-hating, veggie-loving lady, you can learn more about Seohyun by doing further research on her.

I would like to conclude this post in a way I have not done before. Because I started this post with a quote, I am going to end it with a quote (or a few quotes) from Seohyun. Goodbye, folks.
I feel like my pure and proper image is causing others to be really cautious about becoming close to me. They think I sleep as soon as it hits midnight.
Firstly, young people focus on big dreams so, I think they think too much of failures. Instead of focusing on success or failure, I would like them to focus on their purpose of life, I think that would be better for them.
Lastly, one about love:
Liking someone is like when a dandelion seed lightly lands on the ground. It’s soft and makes you happy. Loving someone is like when that dandelion seed grows roots into the ground and then flowers. A dandelion seed can lightly come and go, right? But in order for it to flower, you have to water it, block it from the wind, and treasure it dearly. That’s what I think.

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