15 - A Sudden Change of Heart

What is it with Mondays that are always such a surprise to me? A few hours ago, classes got suspended and, without hesitating, I immediately went home after the announcement. Yes, the first-ever suspension of classes due to bad weather in my college life. The announcement came after (or maybe during) our English Grammar and Composition Development (EGRAMCOM) class, luckily (or, to some, sadly) my College Algebra class was suspended, the same goes for my IT Concepts class. (I love IT Concepts, truth be told. I just hate College Algebra. "Complex math" is my achilles heel.)

The oddest thing about this day was the feeling that I got when I looked out the window to watch the rainfall. Normally, I would stay focused on the lesson being discussed by our GRAMCOM professor, but there was something outside the window that caught my attention. Then, as the rain started to fall harder, I realized that I love the monsoon season. I do not think I have told anyone about this, but I love the monsoon (rainy) season here in the Philippines. The season itself reminds me of three things: cleanliness, purity, and calmness.

As the raindrops slowly trickled on my head on the way to Asia Pacific College, I felt calm and, for no apparent reason, cleansed. I am not talking about "cleansed" as if I have not taken a bath (I just took a long bath and the trip from my home to APC only took 15 minutes), but mentally cleansed. It is as if all of the rage, hatred, pain, agony, despair, and noise in my head just got washed away. I felt calm, collected, and clean.

It felt like this Seohyunification/Seohyunization (or Seohyunisation for my British English-loving friends) was going to work and that it is going to be one successful transition. My first day of beta testing my new Seohyun-based personality was, to my surprise, actually quite well. Although, there were times where I "broke out of character," but hey, it is just my first day. I cannot possibly revamp and modify my entire personality (along with my age-old habits and ideologies) overnight, or in one day, for that matter. Modifying my personality will take time and progress. You cannot just make the world a better place with the flick of a switch or by a press of a button, no. It takes time. Progress takes time.

Our early ancestors (the ancestors of human beings) have lived on this planet for about 6 million years. Six million years. If you think 1980 was a long time ago, think about 6 million years, and imagine how much progress we could have made in that amount of time. Despite the large amount of time our ancestors had, they have achieved only a few things. Truth be told, we have achieved a lot in the past 100 years compared to the 6 million years our ancestors had. We went from hunting and gathering to steam-powered trains to a global network that anyone can connect to. We went from having computers the size of a room to a computer that is a million times more powerful than that, and being able to fit inside of our pockets. The best thing about all of that is that we did all of those things in just a century.

Our progress might be fast, but it did not happen in an instant. The same thing applies to my new personality.

Sure, progress might be slow during the first few days or so; however, as soon as I get used to improving my personality, things will start to get easier for me. Just like the development process of Windows 10, I will focus on adding new features to my personality first. After that, I will improve on those said features. Then comes the testing of those new features. After that, the polishing stage, the stage where I fine-tune some of the aspects in my new personality. Finally, the general testing stage. In this stage, I will test all of the aspects in my new personality, checking up and seeing if my new ideologies can hold up to the test of time. Then, my new personality is finally released to take on the new challenges in my college life.

I know I might sound too technical (or too odd) for some to understand, but here is the main point of this whole crazy personality change: it is a way for me to improve in life. If you did not understand all of the technical jargon I just mentioned in the last paragraph, just know that I am changing my personality for the better. That is all you should know . . . for now, that is.

The monsoon season is finally here, folks. I just hope that my readers won't catch a cold or any monsoon season-related disease (e.g. dengue, leptospirosis, etc.). As I have said before: stay safe, folks!

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