About Me

Hello, I am Dartegnian.

Who am I?
I am just your average blogger going through life (as any other person would). I am a student at Asia Pacific College and I am currently trying my best in order to excel in that institution.

This is my SECOND BLOG, one that I have made for the English Enrichment Program, with Sir Dustin Celestino being my professor. As with my other blogs, I will share content from my life here like events, memories, and other occasions that go on in my college life, or generally anything that happens in my life that I decide to make a blog post about.

You will notice that I am a SONE (a fan of the K-pop group, Girls' Generation). I am also a fan of Windows and other Microsoft-related products, so I am a Microsoft fanatic, or a Microsoftian. I am only interested in one Korean pop group, and I have been interested in that same Korean pop group for almost 5 years.

I can not really provide you with a lot of information about me, but you will all get to know me more through my blog posts or through the other types of content that will be posted here. Also, you can get to know me by seeing how I perform and how I am like in Asia Pacific College.

During my free time, I like to listen to music on Spotify and I design graphics in Adobe Photoshop CC. I also watch (mostly) educational videos on YouTube, from channels such as Vsauce, Last Week Tonight, and Kurzgesagt. Being a public speaker and a part of APC Speaks, I also watch to videos of public speakers and tutorials on public speaking on YouTube. Once my all-English term is over, I will stop blogging here and start blogging on my new main blog, A Better Tomorrow.

How did I design this blog?
First and foremost, I currently belong in the School of Computer Science and Information Technology. Despite what you believe, I am not taking AB Multimedia Arts. Although, I know how to use Adobe Photoshop CC. Believe it or not, I actually designed everything you see in this blog using only the latest and the best Adobe products. I designed the background, the "back to top" button, and I designed my profile picture in Adobe Photoshop CC 2015. I know how to code in HTML and how to use CSS, and so I developed most of the code and the unique CSS styles here (especially in my main blog) using Adobe Dreamweaver CC. I combined that with my passion for this "clean and professional look" that I want to embody into the things I make.

(Oh, and I know that this blog is not using a "responsive/adaptive template" and the reason why is because there are certain restrictions on this theme that limit my ability to make the template responsive. I do know how to make a responsive website, albeit a very simple one, but I just cannot make this premade Blogger template responsive. I just do not have enough experience yet in making premade Blogger templates responsive.)

It took me weeks to make the design of this blog, and I first started out making drafts for this blog in Photoshop and then I started working on the code by downloading the XML template and preloading it on Adobe Dreamweaver CC. While I was designing, I only had one thing in mind: simplicity. I wanted my blog to look clean, modern, and most of all, simple. I took inspiration for Apple's flat and minimalistic UI, and I combined that with the typography of Microsoft's "Modern UI" design language.

In my pursuit of professionalism, I used new ways unbeknownst to most people. I wanted to have images with the highest of quality while (at the same time) having a very low file size to make browsing (especially on a slow Internet connection) faster and lighter. I also did not want my pictures to look compressed, so I researched and I found out the solution—the "silver lining"—between small file size and low image compression whilst maintaining the intended quality of the image. The answer was none other than the humble PNG file format. That is why most (if not, all) of the graphics used in this blog use the PNG file format.

Why did I create a blog and what is its purpose and goal?
I created this blog because it is a requirement for the English Enrichment Program. I wanted to use my original blog, but I was not allowed to do so. So, I had to make a new one. The sole purpose of this blog is to help me improve my grammar through the use of blogging. Although I already have a blog (that really improved my grammar in English), it is not a bad idea to start all over again and see if I can still improve my proficiency in English. The goal of this blog is to make my English grammar more than good enough for the corporate world and I also aim to let a lot of APCians know more about my story and who I am as a person, student, and—
most of all—as a friend. Another goal of this blog is to help me get a high grade/mark/average on the English Enrichment Program.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or other remarks, please do not be afraid to write them as a comment. (Click on the title of the post and the comments section should load once you reach the bottom of the post.) I freely welcome constructive comments, or generally any type of feedback that I can use to improve this blog and/or the content in it. Please do not put a lot of comments that are of no use or have no significance whatsoever. Do not spam the comment box.

(By the way, I moderate ALL of the comments that go through my blog.) Comments that look offensive—comments that contain offensive words—or comments marked as spam by the spam filter in Disqus WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED, THE USER WILL ALSO BE BLACKLISTED once I review them for moderation. I am very strict when it comes to comments. So please, write and submit a comment that is relevant to the post.

I personally would not like to give a "self-description" of myself because you guys might think I am a narcissistic and arrogant human being with a huge ego, or something like that. So, it is up to you, my readers/blockmates/fellow APCians, to find out my real attitude and judge me based upon my works/other content in this blog, and how I act inside and outside APC.

Enjoy your stay and happy reading, folks! (:

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